Friday, February 27, 2009

Book Review: Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

Growing up in Illinois, I have always been a lover of Honest Abe. It was only natural that I would be interested in a book focused on his political genius, especially now, during a time of change in our country, namely, a new President who heeded the 16th president numerous times throughout his campaigning.

What I especially like about this biography, more so than other Lincoln biographies, was the fact that Goodwin used extraordinary resources to get her information. The text, of course, touches on the major events that happened shortly before and throughout Lincoln's term and makes you feel like you are a part of the story. You really begin to feel like you understand Lincoln as a person, delve into his emotional trials and tribulations, and realize what it was like to live during such a horrific and oppressive time in our country's history. You also get a feel of the other side of the spectrum during that time including the burning hatred that the Booth camp (and most of the South) was feeling post-Civil War.

This man has been such a legendary figure throughout my life, and now I feel I can finally grasp the reasoning behind his following. His humanitarian efforts and desire for a true United States of America are what allowed us to be where we are today. This book (and its accompanying audio) was an educational, humbling and intriguing experience for me. I highly recommend.

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